Leakage & scale free mold tempetature controllers
Occurrence of scale is prevented by applying Anti-corrosion and antirust design, and A variety of the options are available responding to customer's demands.
High flow & high head-capacity mold temperature controller
FOS-2000 is designed to be operated at water supplytemperatures from 10℃ to 120℃ and only for water.The high head-capacity and high flow rate featuresenable the customers to select even the large sizeinjection molding process.
The multi zone type, separately controlling thetemperatures of the core part and the cavity part is alsoavailable.
Highly efficient and precise mold cooling chiller
With optimal design and cooling temperature control,realize a perfect mold cooling temperaturefor improving productivity and quality.
Temperature controlling system for high glossy products
RICH SYSTEM (Rapid lsolation Cooling & Heating)