Agape School provides welfare programs and services to the children, women in need and distress, the handicapped persons, neglected street children, social security for the aged and destitute through
the network of residential care homes and non-institutional services. Besides this the Department also provides avenues of self employment to children, women and handicapped and creates awareness amongst general public regarding
the welfare measures of the Department.
In furtherance of the main objective the trust will carry out the following operational objectives.
- To run, maintain or assist any educational or other institution for coaching, guidance, counseling or vocational training or to grant individual scholarships for poor, deserving and needy students or to make illiterate, literate.
- To establish, maintain, run, develop, extend grant, donations form, and to aid in the establishment, maintenance, running, development, improvement and extension of libraries, recreation centers and other facilities as are calculated
to be use in imparting educations to the Indian public
- To conduct seminars, conferences and workshops to undertake experiments and research to improve the methods of communications and teaching and training programs.
- To run, maintain or assist any medical institution, nursing home or clinics or to grant assistance to needy and indigent persons for meeting cost of medical treatment.
- To conduct poor feeding and give food, clothing and cash grants to the poor and to afford relief to people in distress and affected by earthquake, flood, famine, pestilence and other causes and to grant donations for the support
of the inmates of the orphanage houses and similar institutions and societies.
- To provide cash and other forms of relieves to the orphans without adequate means of sustenance, the unemployed without adequate means of sustenance, the poor for education of their children, their medical needs etc., and on the
occasion of deaths etc., in their families and those who have suffered in accidents.
- To build correct and construct and to aid in the building creation and construction of houses, tenements, and places of residence for the poor, destitute and those handicapped in mind or body and to afford them all comforts and
- To give tailoring to widows, poor women, free of cost and give certificate in the regard.
- To build and construct day care centers for street children and children of poor working women.
- Trust is empowered to purchase lease, or rent property as and when required to promote and execute the objectives.
- The trust is empowered to raise loans and such funds from financial institutions and government.
- The trust may enter into contract or agreement or any other transactions form the purpose of promoting the aims.
- The trust is empowered to take on lease license, either or otherwise required to hold manage administer, deal with movable and immovable property as the board deems necessary.